Hotel pricing in a social word Driving value in the digital economy

Hotel Pricing in a Social World: How to Drive Value in the New Hotel Economy is an insightful resource that provides guidance on improving organizational decision making to keep your hotel relevant, from a pricing standpoint, in the often chaotic hotel landscape. This groundbreaking book clearly showcases the current environment of the hotel industry, and describes new and emerging trends that can impact your revenue management tactics. This essential text prepares you to survive and thrive in today's highly competitive market, and outlines the best approach to building profitable pricing strategies that follow both tactical and strategic best practices

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International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics, 2nd edition

The book International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics, 2nd edition provides a complete theoretical, historical, and policy-focused account of the international financial system that covers all of the standard topics, such as foreign exchange markets, balance of payments accounting, macroeconomic policy in an open economy, exchange rate crises, multinational enterprises, and international financial markets.

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The Macro economy to day ninth edition

The Macro Economy Today is noted for three great strengths: readability, policy orientation, and pedagogy.

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Where the jobs are : Entrepreneurship and the soul of the American economy

Four years after the end of the Great Recession, 23 million Americans remain unemployed, underemployed, or have left the workforce discouraged. Even worse, Washington policymakers seem out of ideas.

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China engaged: Integration with the global economy

This report recognizes China's growing importance as a key player in the global economy

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The Political Economy of Inequality

Nowadays, when discussions turn to inequality, the focus is likely on income inequality. And for good reason. As much recent research has shown, extreme inequity in earnings is an increasingly consequential issue facing nations both rich and poor

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Fiscal hangover : How to profit from the new global economy

With the collapse of investment banks, trillion-dollar-plus government bailouts, and decimated retirement portfolios, it's never been more important to understand the "new rules" of making money. Faced with the reality that "investing will never be the same again," Fiscal Hangover may well be the most important audiobook you'll listen to this year.

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The Experience Economy updated edition

In 1999, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore offered this idea to readers as a new way to think about connecting with customers and securing their loyalty. As a result, their book The Experience Economy is now a classic, embraced by readers and companies worldwide and read in more than a dozen languages.

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Make it in America : The case for re-inventing the economy

America used to define itself by the things it built. We designed and produced the world's most important innovations, and in doing so, created a vibrant manufacturing sector that built the middle class. We manufactured our way to the top and became the undisputed economic leader among all nations.

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The macro economy today

The Economy Today is noted for three great strengths: readability, policy orientation, and pedagogy. The accessible writing style engages students and brings some of the excitement of domestic and global economic news into the classroom

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